Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Must Say...

I must say, Scooter, I'm rather disappointed in you. There haven't been any new posts since the 2nd, and today is the 9th. That leaves the blog to lay idle for an entire week. It's truly a tragedy.

I'm kidding, of course. Anyway, since you won't post, I believe I shall. Coughing is at a minimum, but when I do cough, I must say it HURTS. Sore throat + hacking cough = unhappy Meg. *sniffle*

*Yawn* I'm getting kind of bored here. Not really much for me to update with. Except this: Race last Sunday - Maren got 1st place for the girl's division in Monterey! Woo! Everyone says the course was really easy and loads of fun. Wish I coulda been there. Don't you?

Nothing else to report. Over and out.


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